Wednesday, February 22, 2017

George Washington (b.February 22, 1732)

George was tutored as a child in a one room schoolhouse on his father’s property.
His mother sewed his penmanship pages “Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour” together to make a booklet.
He was born in Colonial Virginia at Popes Creek.
He was a surveyor.
He was part of the British Army in the American Colonies.
     1752 He went to Barbados with Lawrence, his half-brother, in hopes his brother  would recover from Tuberculosis. Lawrence died. George contracted smallpox. George did not immediately inherit Mount Vernon, there were two others in line before him. 
     May 28, 1754  The British forces under the command of George Washington at Jumonville Glen in Pennsylvania, resulted in the beginning of the Seven Years War / French and Indian War.1
     1761 inherited Mount Vernon.
He wrote letters to many women asking them to marry him. (If one is found, the Mount Vernon Association is interested).
Martha wanted her daughter to marry George, her daughter did not want to, Martha accepted.
George and Martha never had any children of their own.
George and Martha were married for about ten years,before they sat down to dinner alone.
The slaves were never sold off even though there were too many to be supported on the Mount Vernon Plantation.  Families were kept together, one slave family had 6 daughters.
George Washington was bankrupt, but forgiven.
     George Washington was chosen to lead the new, independent Army, because he was an excellent roll model and leader who motivated his troops. By choosing Mr. Washington, Virginia was thus included in the American Revolution, which until that time had been centered in the North in New England.
Commander in Chief of the new United States Army.
Dec. 25-26, 1776 He crossed the Delaware River at night to surprise the Hessian forces at Trenton.
He was asked, if he would be king, but declined (this was one of the reasons for the war for independence.)
First President of the United States of America. Set the precedent for limited term of office.
He had no teeth.  His false teeth were very uncomfortable.
He wrote many letters to Martha on how to specifically run the estate.
The gardens at Mount Vernon had an outhouse in a corner. The deposits would be used as fertilizer.
George paid craftsman to come live on his estate and train one of his slaves in the trade needed.
The main house at Mount Vernon is wood, sand was added to the paint to make it look like white stone.
The house was in severe disrepair and some ladies from the DC/Alexandria area formed a group and raised money to repair the house and grounds, within the last century.
George died at the age of 67.  He was having difficulties breathing and was further weakened by