Monday, January 2, 2017

The Modern World: Part One: Global History 1760-1910

The Modern World: Part One: Global History 1760-1910
Professor Philip Zelikow, University of Virginia
FREE MOOC via  through

Commercial and Military Revolutions (1760-1800)
Week 1: video 1: The Study of History
·         What happened?
·         Why things happened the way they did?
o   Circumstances
o   Choices made by man
§  How
§  Why
§  What could have happened
§  Situation>Problem>Solutions>Action & new situation

                W1:V2: The Great Divide [between tradition and modern world]
·         Traditional world (not change from generation to generation)
·         Modern world (massive changes)
o   Population
§  1500-1750 290million in 250 years (187 million more in 50 years)
§  1800-1850 284 million
§  Late 1700s billions
o   Income
§  Malthusian trap: finite amount of stuff for 2000 years
§  1800 another great divide with the Industrial Revolution
·         Malthusian trap broke
o   Global Europe: commerce, ideas, and military intrusions
o   Political Revolutions
§  Liberal, democratic, “national”
§  Change from nobility & church [toward the people wanting more say]
o   Culture
§  Beliefs
§  Limits/possibilities human innovations, status, prosperity

                W1:V3: The Traditional and the Modern

                W!:V4: The Great Divide-Why?

                W1:V5: The World of 1760

                W1:V6:  The Commercial Revolution

                W1:V7: The Military Revolution