A testing method for history students is the ID or "identify" a person or event from history in as little as two sentences. Keep the IDs very concise, and save your time for the longer essay(s). Study for your exam by rewriting these IDs after each lecture ("revision notes") and reviewing them by the "spaced-repetition" method.
The Peloponnesian War (431 B.C. to 404 B.C.) was a series of battles between Sparta and her allies versus Athens and her allies in the region of Greece. The Athenian general and historian, Thucydides, wrote volumes on the Peloponnesian War of which he was an eye-witness until he was exiled. Sparta and her allies won.
Grade: With the assumption that an exam would be taken in a proctored room and written out with pen on paper, the order of the sentences would not be editable, but an arrow could be inserted if done neatly. The above ID example would earn likely lose two to three points for attaching a Thucydides ID in sentence two instead of explaining the cause of the war, the method of warfare, and the resulting significance.= 2/5