Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Romans 753 BC - AD 476


who/whatwhenwherewhy (cause) significance (result)
Etruscans - 392 Etruscan city destroyed by Romans. Triumph arch errected.Tuscany, western Umbria, and northern Lazio.Etruscans overlords of RomansEtruscan kings and nobles attacked by Brutus after the attack on the honorable, matron Lucretia, resulting in the Freedom of the Romans. 1

Republic Established509-27 BCRome

Cinnitatus consul in 460 BC and dictator in 458 BC and 439 BC
Rome under attack; asked to become "dictator"relinquished when threat gone
Celts from Gaul (present day France) "Barbarians"387 BCRomeGauls pushed out of their homeland; asked for territory in Italy; refused; Rome sacked; Rome paid all for Celts to move on.Celts destroyed Rome; Romans learned ...
Camillus, 368Romeappointed dictator at age 80caused patrician assent to plebeians demands; build the temple at Concord. 2

Latium338 BCLatium
Rome controls Latium
Po Valley268 BCPo Valley, Italy
Rome controls south of Po Valley
First Punic War264-241 BCSicilyRome v. CarthageMost of Sicily made the first Province of Rome
Carthage238 BC Sardinia & Corsica
Sardinia & Corsica taken from Carthage
Second Punic War218-202 BC
Rome v. Carthage218 Carthaginian general Hannibal invades Italy.218-216 Victories of Hannibal; ended in defeat of Hannibal
Plautus (playwright) 218-202 CKON

Earliest major works of Latin literature preserved
Ptolemy IV d. 204 BCEgypt

Antiochus III201-198 BCtakes Palestine

Rome defeats Macedon, Philip V200-197

Rome subjugates Spain195-179, 154-133


Sewer system cost: 1,000 talents

foundation of
Conquest south of Alps181Italy
The territory of Carthage becomes the Roman province of "Africa" The Punic agriculture writings are ordered by the Roman Senate to be translated into Latin
direct taxation167Rome
end of direct taxation for Roman Citizens
most of Greece & Macedonia taken; raze of Corinth; third Punic war; Carthage destroyed;149-146
Rome v. CarthageThe territory of Carthage becomes the Roman province of "Africa" The Punic agriculture writings are ordered by the Roman Senate to be translated into Latin
Aqueduct144Romeinto of hydraulic cementfirst aqueduct of high-level built
Julius Caesar, general & "caesar"c. 100 - assassinated 15th March 44 BCRome
*reforms attempted to save ailing republic * self-appointed absolute ruler. 4
(born Gaius Octavius) Octavian / Augustus, first Roman Emperor63 BC-AD 14 (r. 31 BC - AD 14)Rome
*declared 'Exalted One' & first citizen by the Senate. * First ruler of the Pax Romana. 4,6
Livy, historian 59 BC - AD 17 Romesought to find noble beginnings of Romewrote the history of Rome on wax tablets
Battle of Actium, naval engagement31 BC Ionian Sea near the city of Actium, (off the western coast of Greece) Octavian (Augustus) defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. 6Octavian (Augustus) now undisputed ruler of Rome. 6
The Roman Empire31 BC - AD 476

Octavian takes the name Augustus "peaceful" "serene"27 BCRomeRoman Republic endsAugustus founds the Roman Empire.4
Vergil (Virgil), poet19 BCRomepublication of Aeneid, epic poem of Rome. 7
Jesusc 6-4 BC- c.3rd April AD 33Nazareth"the Christ"Beginning of Christianity 8
Ovid, poetAD 8 mocked Roman Emperor Augustus's moral reforms. 6exile. 6
Varian disasterAD 9(Germany)3 of an overall 28 Roman legions annihilated. 6Romans abandoned the area east of the Rhine to the 'barbarians' of the frontier. 6
Saint Paul; The Gospels; The GnosticsAD ca. 40-95

Hadrian (Patheon)AD 117-138

Marcus AureliusAD 121 -AD 180

last great emperor of Pax Romana 4
DiocletianAD245 -AD 316
Divides Roman empire into eastern and western parts, AD 2864, 7
ConstantineAD 280 (?) - AD 337Rome then Constantinople
* Edict of Milan; * Moved capital to Constantiople. 4
Edit of MilanFebruary AD 313Milan
granted Christians toleration within the Roman Empire. 4
ConstantinopleAD 330ConstantinopleEmperor Constantine founds Constantinople (Istanbul) 7Capital of Roman Empire moves eastward. 4
ChristianityAD 380Roman Empire
Official religion. 4
Odoacer, Germanic leaderAD 476

dethrones last Roman emperor. 4


1 Garraty, John and Peter Gay editors. The Columbia History of the World. Evanston: Harper & Row, 1972 pp.190-249.
6. bbc + history + historic figures + Augustus (63 BC - AD 14)

2 Johnson, Rossiter LL.D., editor-in-chief. The Great Events by Famous Historians. V. II The National Alumni. 1905 pp.166-408
7 "An Overview of Western Civilization" "00westciv.pdf" download 29 slides.

3. Copeland, Lewis editor. High School Subjects Self Taught. Vol. I Chicago: JG Ferguson Publishing, 1967. pp. 25-45

4 Ellis Elisabeth Gaynor and Anthony Esler. World History. Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 2009. pp. 148-183.

5 Sherman Dennis and Joyce Salisbury. The West in the World. New York: McGraw Hill Education. 5th ed. pp.102-129
compiled by Mrs. Julie Richey, M.A.

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